Nicky & David Birch - UK

TTTS Parent Stories: Nicky & David Birch

My name is Nicky, I am 30 years old, my husband, David is also 30 and we have a lovely little boy, Charlie who is 2 . In June 1997 we discovered that I was pregnant and on 18th August a scan confirmed that I was pregnant with twins. This was not totally unexpected because my mother is a twin and their are twins in the family.

An appointment with the Obstetrician a few days later deflated us slightly. He explained about all the complications that can occur having twins including twin to twin transfusion. My previous pregnancy was difficult with high blood pressure and a preterm delivery at 34 weeks so we were both anxious about this pregnancy. A scan was booked to try and determine the zygosity of the twins (i.e identical or non identical) by attempting to look at the placenta and membranes between the babies so that we may be prepared for the potential problems of identical twins. This failed to give us any this information.

A scan was booked for 20 weeks to determine the sex to give some clues- it was discovered that we were expecting 2 boys and to our relief no abnormalities showed on the scan. They were both good sized babies and nothing at that time indicated the problems I was to encounter 2 weeks later.

At 22 weeks I felt huge and looked full term. I discussed my concerns to the midwife, was sent to see the Consultant two days later and had a scan that afternoon. After the scan we were sent to see the Obstetrician who explained that the fluid surrounding the babies was 3 times the normal amount this could be because of several reasons including twin to twin transfusion. We were to be referred to Birmingham but the Professor was away at a conference until the following Monday.

Two days later I became extremely uncomfortable and was so anxious that I was admitted to hospital with high blood pressure. I knew that because I was full term size I could go into labour at any time. Amniocentesis was considered but it was felt that this may cause premature labour. I spent the weekend in hospital and was told an appointment for Wednesday 5th November at Birmingham had been arranged.

On Tuesday 4th November at 17.00 hours I began having contractions, I telephoned the hospital, explained about my condition, symptoms and the fact that my labour with Charlie lasted only 2 hours start to finish. I was told by the midwife to take 2 paracetamol and telephone in 1 hour!! Fortunately my mother was with me and telephoned for an ambulance. I was " blue lighted" in the ambulance and arrived at the hospital at 18.30. Matthew was born at 18.33 and Alexander at 18.39. They were 23 plus 2 days gestation. They were rushed to the Neonatal Intensive care unit.

Matthew the smaller of the two died 1 hour later. I have a nursing background in Paediatric Intensive care and I knew that at 23 weeks Alexander had no chance of survival. Just 3 hours later we lost our other little boy. Twin to twin transfusion wasconfirmed by the Obstetrician.

This tragedy have devastated us both and our family. The reality of it has not yet sunk in. My body is constantly telling me I have given birth. I have had a hospital admission on a maternity ward because of a retained placenta and have been quite poorly because of this. I have had to suffer spending 2 hours in an ante-natal clinic to see the Consultant for my 6 week post-natal check.

I appreciate how busy these maternity hospitals are, but a little consideration for other peoples feelings would not hurt anybody. I am now campaigning to stop this happening to other bereaved parents.

I have recently returned to work and to some extent it is a distraction. Despite all my work colleagues and friends knowing about our tragedy, some people are still asking how my twin pregnancy is progressing. People just do not know what to say and I am sure I would be the same. It is a great comfort to talk about Matthew and Alexander because they are and always will be our little boys along with Charlie.

I have been searching for information about twin to twin transfusion through the Internet and via the Medical school I have access to but both my husband and I would like to get into contact with other parents who have been through the same experience as us.

Our address is above.

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